Patricia Newman

20 Questions: The It Factor

Welcome back to our series, 20 QUESTIONS!,

where we answer questions about writing, reading, and author life.

(Note that we enjoy the series so much we’ve decided to just keep the questions coming!)

This month’s question:

How do you ensure your books have that special “It Factor?” 

Hope Lim

“I don’t presume that my books have an ‘It Factor’ but one thing I hope to accomplish in my stories is the exploration of more than one thematic element. My storylines may seem simple but underneath the simplicity, a deeper meaning can be extracted and discussed. For example, SOURGRASS is about finding a way to live in hope after a difficult time of parting with a friend. At the same time, it uses spring as the context for return and renewal, while demonstrating the beauty of keeping promises and the importance of trust in relationships.”

– Hope Lim, author of Sourgrass illustrated by Shahrzad Maydani (Beach Lane Books, 2024) 

Patricia Newman

“The ‘It Factor’ is a personal connection for me and my readers. As I write I ask myself over and over, ‘Who cares?’ Once I find my inner spark of connection, I put all that passion on the page. My books tend to be persuasive, so once I find the child’s connection to the topic it’s fun to empower them to care.”

– Patricia Newman, author of Eavesdropping On Elephants (Millbrook Press, 2019)

Valerie Bolling

“My critique partners help me ensure that my books have an ‘It Factor.’ They regularly read stacks of picture books, attend webinars, and are members of writing communities. In other words, they know what makes stories pop, so their feedback is critical to helping me polish my manuscripts. In addition, I have an amazing editorial agent who adds his feedback, and I’ve been fortunate to work with editors who help me fine-tune my stories even further.  

– Valerie Bolling, co-author with Kailei Pew of I See Color , illustrated by Laylie Frazier (Harper Children’s, 2024)

Kirsten W. Larson

“I think what sets my books apart are their unique structures, which coincide with the topic I’m writing about. The story structure of Wood, Wire, Wings, the story of the first women to design an airplane on her own, follows the engineering design process. A True Wonder, a book about the invention of the comic book hero, Wonder Woman, is told in comic book format. And The Fire of Stars, a book about the woman who discovered what stars are made of, parallels her formation as a “star scientist” with the process of star formation. These unique structures bring something special to the table.”

– Kirsten W. Larson, author of The Fire of Stars, illustrated by Katherine Roy (Chronicle 2023)

20 Questions: Name a Perfect Gift for Writers, Illustrators, or Readers

Welcome back to our series, 20 QUESTIONS!,

where we answer questions about writing, reading, and author life.

(Note that we enjoy the series so much we’ve reset for a second round of 20.)

This month’s question:

Name one perfect holiday gift for a writer, illustrator, or reader in your life.

“I think a perfect gift for readers is an author- signed copy of a book. For writers, give a membership to an organization like SCBWI or 12 x 12, or a group of family members or friends might chip in for a class or retreat at Highlights. A gift that authors, including me, enjoy throughout the year – and it doesn’t cost any money – is to review our books and make sure they’re part of your local library’s collection and at your local indie.”

– The Soaring ‘20s collective unconscious

Margaret Chiu Greanias

“For a child (or grown up) who loves books, I think a book-centered date would be amazing. Perhaps a trip to the bookstore (or library if budget is a concern) with the promise of getting one or more books, a treat of a snack or dessert, and a cozy time sharing the newly acquired book(s).”

—Margaret Chiu Greanias, author of HOW THIS BOOK GOT RED, illus. by Melissa Iwai (Sourcebooks, 2023)

Angela Burke Kunkel

“Practically speaking, one of the very best writing gifts I’ve ever received is a programmable coffee maker. Because I write in the very early mornings, it’s been a wonderful treat to come downstairs and have my morning coffee already brewed, ready and waiting!”

— Angela Burke Kunkel, author of MAKE WAY: THE STORY OF ROBERT McCLOSKEY, NANCY SCHÖN, AND SOME VERY FAMOUS DUCKLINGS, illus. by  Claire Keane (Random House Studio, 2023)

Patricia Newman

“Authors and illustrators just starting out need the gift of investment. Many pre-published writers hold down jobs or raise children and squeeze in writing whenever possible. One fabulous gift for the creator in your life is the gift of a local writing/illustrating craft conference or webinar that focuses the mind, the energy, and invigorates them to persevere.” –Patricia Newman, EAVESDROPPING ON ELEPHANTS (Millbrook Press, paperback edition 2023)

Free Virtual Visits with Soaring ‘20s Authors for World Read Aloud Day

Mark your calendars for February 7, 2024 — it’s World Read Aloud Day! 

LitWorld started World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) in 2010 to honor the power and joy of reading. To celebrate, authors and illustrators come together each year to offer virtual classroom visits around the world. 

Several Soaring ‘20s authors and illustrators still have spots available (see below). 

Most virtual visits go something like this:

1-2 minutes: Creator introduces themself and talks a little about their books.

3-5 minutes: Creator reads aloud a short picture book, or a short excerpt from a chapter book/novel

5-10  minutes: Creator answers a few questions from students about reading/writing.

1-2 minutes: Creator book-talks a couple books they love (but didn’t write/illustrate!) as recommendations for the kids.

Before you sign up, most authors request you have the following available.

  • School name, grade level/teacher name, and approximate number of students

  • Platform (ex. Zoom, Google Meet, Skype)

  • Cell phone number for day-of-event emergencies

NOTE: Please pay attention to each creator’s time zone when scheduling. We are located across the US!

To check availability and/or schedule with an individual creator, click on the links below.

Lindsay H. Metcalf

Sign-up link

Book: Outdoor Farm, Indoor Farm

8:30 am-2:50 pm Central Time

Angela Burke Kunkel

Sign-up link

Book (choose one): Digging for Words: José Alberto Gutiérrez and the Library He Built, Penguin Journey, or Make Way: The Story of Robert McCloskey, Nancy Schön, and Some Very Famous Ducklings

8:30 am-3:30 pm Eastern Time

Susan Kusel

Sign-up link

Book: The Passover Guest

8 am-2 pm ET

Candy Wellins

Sign-up link

Book: A Geoduck Is Not A Duck

9:30 am-3 pm CT

Patricia Newman

Sign-up link

Book (choose one): Any of my recently published titles

7:00 am-1:30 pm Pacific Time

Melanie Ellsworth

Sign-up link

Books: Clarinet and Trumpet, Hip, Hip…Beret!, and Battle of the Books

9:30 am-1:20 pm ET

Isabella Kung

Sign-up link

Books: No Fuzzball! and No Snowball!
9 am-1 pm PT